Web Security – Vulnerability Analysis

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28 heures
  • 28 heures
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Aperçu du cours

Objectif de formation : Cette formation englobe analyse et compréhension des différents éléments axés applications web pour une exploration du domaine des vulnérabilité et attaques orientées WEB


  • Avoir des connaissances dans la sécurité des SI, dans la sécurité des applications web et en programmation Web (PHP, JavaScript, HTML)

Objectifs pédagogiques

  • Apply techniques used to audit and test the security of web applications
  • Apply techniques used to conduct discovery, exploration and investigation of a website and web application features
  • Apply tools and techniques used to discover and exploit vulnerabilities
  • Understand and Apply port scanning techniques
  • Understand application flowcharting and session analysis
  • Understand Client Injection Attacks
  • Understand Cross-Site & Server-Side Request Forgery (CSRF / SSRF)
  • Understand Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Understand how a web application manages client sessions
  • Understand how a web application tracks user activity
  • Understand how a web application uses SSL/TLS in modern web communications
  • Understand how to bypass and exploit weak authentication
  • Understand how to enumerate users
  • Understand HTTP, HTTPS, and AJAX within the context of security, vulnerabilities, and essential operations
  • Understand identifying services and configurations
  • Understand processes and mechanisms used to secure web applications by authentication
  • Understand spidering web applications
  • Understand SQL injection attacks and how to identify SQL injection vulnerabilities in applications
  • Understand the attacks leveraged against flaws in session states
  • Understand the technologies, programming languages and structures involved in the construction and implementation of a website
  • Understand the tools and techniques used to audit and identify flaws in the design or implementation in the configuration of a website
  • Understand the use of proxies, fuzzing, scripting, and application logic attacks
  • Understand tools and techniques required to perform web application security testing on modern web-based languages such as JavaScript with AJAX

Public ciblé

  • Auditeurs de sécurité
  • Développeurs chargés de la sécurité des applications web
  • Responsables DSI
  • Consultants en sécurité informatique
  • Responsables sécurité informatique
  • Toute personne en charge de la sécurité informatique

Programme de formation

  • Web Application Assessment Concepts

    • Penetration Testing

    • Application Penetration Testing

    • Risk Assessment and Management

    • OWASP Testing Guide

    • Web Application Security Consortium Threat Classification

    • Penetration Testing Execution Standard

    • Pre-Engagement Interactions

    • Intelligence Gathering

    • Threat Modelling

    • Vulnerability Analysis

    • Exploitation

    • Post Exploitation

    • Reporting

    • OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)

    • BurpSuite

    • Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)

    • Other Tools

  • Web Application Reconnaissance

    • Reconnaissance – WHOIS

    • Reconnaissance – Domain Name System (DNS)

    • Reconnaissance – Virtual Host (vHost) Discovery

    • Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) – Definitions

    • Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) – Frameworks & Tools

    • Protocols – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

    • Protocols – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – Cookies

    • Protocols – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – Headers

    • Protocols – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – Request Methods

    • Protocols – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – Status Codes

    • Protocols – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 & 3.0

    • Protocols – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

    • Protocols – Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) – Content Security Policy

    • Protocols – Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

    • Protocols – Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) – Configuration

    • Protocols – Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) – Weaknesses

    • Interception Proxies – Definitions & Types

    • Interception Proxies – Fiddler

    • Interception Proxies – BurpSuite Proxy

    • Interception Proxies – OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) Proxy

    • SSL Proxying – Definition

    • SSL Proxying – Through BurpSuite Pro

    • SSL Proxying – Through OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)

  • Content Discovery, Authentication and Session Testing

    • Content Discovery – Logging and Monitoring

    • Content Discovery – Website Spidering

    • Content Discovery – Content Analysis

    • Authentication – Web Authentication Mechanisms – Cookie-Based Authentication

    • Authentication – Web Authentication Mechanisms – Token-Based Authentication

    • Authentication – Web Authentication Mechanisms – Third Party Access (OAuth, API Token)

    • Authentication – Web Authentication Mechanisms – OpenID

    • Authentication – Web Authentication Mechanisms – SAML

    • Authentication – Username Harvesting

    • Authentication – Password Guessing

    • Authentication – Authentication and Authorisation Bypass

    • Session Testing – Brute Forcing Unlinked Files

    • Session Testing – Brute Forcing Directories

    • Session Testing – Burp Sequencer

    • Tools – Fuzzing with ZAP

    • Tools – Fuzzing with ffuf

    • Tools – Fuzzing with Burp Intruder

    • Sessions – Session Management

    • Sessions – Session Attacks

    • Training Platforms – Mutillidae

  • Injection, Inclusion, and XML External Entity (XXE)

    • Traversal Attacks – Directory Traversal

    • File Inclusion Attacks – Local File Inclusion (LFI)

    • File Inclusion Attacks – Remote File Inclusion (RFI)

    • SQL Attacks – SQL Injection

    • SQL Attacks – Blind SQL Injection

    • SQL Attacks – Error-Based SQL Injection

    • SQL Attacks – Exploiting SQL injection

    • SQL Attacks – Tools – sqlmap

    • Injection Attacks – Command Injection

    • Injection Attacks – Insecure Deserialisation

    • Injection Attacks – XML External Entity (XXE)

  • XML External Entity (XXE) Deep Dive

    • Client-Side Attacks – Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

    • Tools – Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)

    • Techniques – Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)

    • Languages – Extensible Markup Language (XML)

    • Languages – JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

    • Models – Document Object Model (DOM)

    • Attacks – Application Programming Interface (API)

    • Attacks – Application Programming Interface (API) – Authentication Hijacking

    • Attacks – Application Programming Interface (API) – Data Exposure

    • Attacks – Application Programming Interface (API) – Parameter Tampering

    • Attacks – Application Programming Interface (API) – Unencrypted Communications

    • Principles – Representational State Transfer (REST)

    • Protocols – Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

  • Request Forgery, Logic Flaws and Advanced Tools

    • Web Attacks – Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

    • Web Attacks – Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

    • Web Attacks – Application Logic Attacks

    • Programming – Python for Web Application Penetration Testing

    • Tools – WPScan

    • Tools – ExploitDB

    • Tools – BurpSuite Pro Scanner

    • Tools – Metasploit

    • Business of Penetration Testing – Preparation

    • Business of Penetration Testing – Post Assessment and Reporting


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